Rabu, 31 Disember 2008


Sempat juga teman ber "Check Net" di Special Check Net - repeter MARTS, ia dikendalikan oleh 9W2PCK (Choy Chee Keong). Jam 23:30. Selaku Pemanggil yang ke-48. Semperna Tahun Baru 2009 dan Maal Hijrah.

"Okey Roger... Thank you 9W2PCK - Brother Choy this is 9W2LKE handle operator KHAIRUL- Kilo Hotel Alfa India Romeo Uniform Lima. From Ipoh, Perak.

We have meet before in Johore International Jamboree last month. I just want to wish "Happy New Year 2009 and Maal Hijrah 1430" .

9W2PCK this is 9W2LKE, QRT, 73 Cario Bye bye.."

1 ulasan:

Atie berkata...

Huh best la Pak Long..jaian2 bersama keluarga...Ijoi tu bergaya sgt